Environmental Issues

National Mineral Policy , 2006
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Final Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines 2016
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N- S.O. 190 – 20th January 2015 – MoEF&CC (composition of DEIAA)
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N- S.O. 141 – 15th January 2015 – MoEF&CC (formation of DEIAA)
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N- S.O. 677- 28th February 2006 – MoEF&CC (SEIAA -Composition for WB)
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N- S.O. 1533 – 14th September 2006 – (EIA) – MoEF&CC
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N- S.O. 60 – 27th January 1994 – (EIA) – MoEF&CC
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N- S.O. 3977 – 14th August 2018 – (EIA) – MoEF&CC (Regarding functioning of DEIAA)
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N- S.O. 1199 – 23rd March 2020 – (EIA) – MoEF&CC
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Memo- 1828 – 12th December 2018 of SEIAA (MP) – Regarding non functioning of DEIAA
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Memo- 231- 2018 Suspension – of MoEF&CC’s Notification
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Memo- 851 – 26th June ‘ 2020 of SEIAA – Pending Application lying with DEIAA
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Memo- 850 – 26th June ‘ 2020 of SEIAA – Nomination for formation of DEAC
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User Manual Category B2 DEIAA
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