West Bengal Land Reforms Act,1955

Rules Downloads
N-78-C&I-2018_Conversion of lease land
WBLR Act, 1955
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1962
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 1965
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1966
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1969
WBLR (2nd Amendment) Act, 1969
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1971
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1972 (incomplete)
WBLR (2nd Amendment) Act, 1972
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1974
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 1975
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 1981
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 1986
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 1996
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 2000
West Bengal Land Reform Amendment Act, 2003
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 2005
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 2010
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 2012
WBLR (Amendment) Act, 2013
WBLR-Amd-Act-2013-Date of Effect
West Bengal Land Reforms (Ammendment) Act, 2017 on Sec 4C
West Bengal Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2017 on Sec 24
West Bengal Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2017 on Sec 4B
West Bengal Land Reforms (Ammendment) Act, 2018 on Sec 3B

WBLR (2nd Amendment) Bill, 1969

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 1972

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WBLR (2nd Amendment) Bill, 1980

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WBLR (2nd Amendment) Bill, 1981

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 1996

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 2003

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 2005

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 2006

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WBLR (Amendment) Bill, 2000

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Ammedment of Rule 14GG_Land in excess of the ceiling limit regarding, 2012

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West Bengal Land Reforms (Ammendment) Rule, 2017 on Sec 4B

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Ammendment of Rule 6 of WBLR Rules_2017

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Lease Deed Format of Rule 6 Form 8AA_2018

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West Bengal Land Reforms (Ammendment) Rule_6A Notification, 2020

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1191-LP-WBLR 3rd Amd Act 2017

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