Thika Tenancy and Urban Land Ceiling

Rules Downloads
West bengal Thika Tenancy ( Acquisition & Regulation) Act 2001
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Acquisition & Regulation) (Amendment) Act 1993
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Stay of Proceedings) Act 1981
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Acquisition & Regulation ) Act 1981
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Second Amendment) Act 1969
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Amendment) Act 1969
Calcutta Thika Tenancy ( Temporary) Act 1969
West Bengal Thika Tenancy ( Acquisition & Regulation) (Amendment) Act 2010
WBLR & Thika Tenancy Act XI of 2019
Thika Amendment date of effect
Thika Amendment Rules Rate
thika matters
Scan 24 Mar 2023
legal heir thika
SOP of leasehold thika lands
Land Schedule under ULC Act 1976
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act 1976
NOC of Building plan of Thka Lands under KMC (1)